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Say What You Will

Say What You Will

Say What You Will

Kostenfreier Download Say What You Will

Das Verstehen ist ein Prozess, der von allen Menschen sicher durchlief in jedem Alter werden. In diesem Fall haben wir ständig die Bücher, die gesammelt werden sollen und auch überprüfen. Say What You Will ist eines der Bücher, die wir ständig bei der Suche nach für Sie beraten. Dies ist die Methode genau, wie Sie zu dem Thema erfahren. Wenn Sie das Vorhandensein von Führungen haben, müssen Sie nur um zu sehen, wie diese Veröffentlichung tatsächlich empfohlen.

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Wenn Sie eine solche besonderen Bedarf haben, die Sie auch erkennen müssen, wie zu verstehen, können Sie, indem Sie sich die Objekte der Keramikfliese beginnen. Jetzt werden wir laden Sie ein, noch mehr zu wissen, in Bezug auf Say What You Will, dass wir ebenfalls Spielzeug Sie bieten für die Herstellung und auch die Lehren zu erhalten. Es besteht aus den einfachen Methoden sowie sehr leicht Sprachen, die der Autor tatsächlich geschaffen hat. Leitfaden ist ebenfalls für alle Individuen Komponenten angeboten und auch Gemeinden. Sie können nicht hart fühlen zu wissen, was der Autor umreißt.

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Say What You Will


“In Cammie McGovern’s debut novel Say What You Will, Amy and Matthew will break your heart and then with their resiliency and wit and ardor put it back together. This is a book to read, savor, and pass on and on until it has gone around the world twice.” (Ron Koertge, author of Stoner & Spaz)“A unique an unforgettable love.” (Teen Vogue)“Exhilarating and heartrending. With a smart, proud, and capable protagonist eager to take her life by the reins, this novel is stunning.” (ALA Booklist (starred review))“McGovern avoids gooeyness or condescension by making Amy and Matthew individuals, not diagnoses, and their relationship not just plausible, but suspenseful. Watching Amy and Matthew grapple with big questions, readers will be surprised, moved, amused, worried, hopeful, and grateful to have spent time with them.” (Publishers Weekly (starred review))“McGovern’s triumph is how well she normalizes and highlights the variety of disability experiences among teens and their often circuitous journeys toward claiming their voices and right to self-determination. Ultimately, a deeply engaging and rewarding story.” (Kirkus Reviews)“What this book does best is move beyond the typical concerns and stigmas people with disabilities inevitably encounter to present an honest portrayal of the difficulties of growing up faced by these particular characters.” (Horn Book)“Cammie McGovern channels her knowledge and passion for special needs kids in Say What You Will. Like the deservedly best-selling Wonder by R.J. Palacio―required reading for every family―this doesn’t just get you talking, it gets you thinking, feeling and rejoicing” (Family Circle)“A beautifully written story about two teens who find each other in spite of what might seem like insurmountable problems.” (Examiner.com (Five star review))“It’s a little bit ‘Perks of Being a Wallflower,’ a little bit ‘Eleanor & Park’ and a lot of something else entirely. A young adult book with grown-up lessons.” (Metro US)“Cammie McGovern crafts a story that takes a realistic look at people who have disabilities but who are not their disability. This story isn’t about rescuing anyone. It is about setting aside fears, limitations, and appearances, and taking a chance at opening up. Everyone should meet Amy and Matt.” (Hypable.com)


I want someone who will talk to me honestly about things. You're the only person who ever has. Maybe you don't know this, but when you're disabled almost no one tells you the truth. They feel too awkward because the truth seems too sad, I guess. You were very brave to walk up to the crippled girl and say, essentially, wipe that sunny expression off your face and look at reality. That's what I want you to do next year. Tell me the truth. That's all.Amy and Matthew didn't know each other, really. They weren't friends. Matthew remembered her, sure, but he remembered a lot of people from elementary school that he wasn't friends with now.Matthew never planned to tell Amy what he thought of her cheerful facade, but after he does, Amy realizes she needs someone like him in her life.As they begin to spend more time with each other, Amy learns that Matthew has his own secrets and she decides to try to help him in the same way he's helped her. And when what started out as a friendship turns into something neither of them expected, they realize that they tell each other everything—except the one thing that matters most.

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Gebundene Ausgabe: 352 Seiten

Verlag: HarperTeen (3. Juni 2014)

Sprache: Englisch

ISBN-10: 9780062271105

ISBN-13: 978-0062271105

ASIN: 0062271105

Vom Hersteller empfohlenes Alter: Ab 14 Jahren

Größe und/oder Gewicht:

14 x 2,9 x 21 cm

Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:

3.0 von 5 Sternen

3 Kundenrezensionen

Amazon Bestseller-Rang:

Nr. 1.183.514 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)

Ein sehr nettes Buch, das auch auf Englisch gut zu lesen/verstehen ist. Ein Stern Abzug, weil die Wendung gegen Ende ein bisschen zu dick aufgetragen ist.

Das erste woran ich denke, wenn ich mich frage ob mir 'Say what you will' gefallen hat, ist nicht gut oder schlecht, es ist: frustrierend. Oh man, war dieses Buch frustrierend!Zunächst hat alles eigentlich recht gut angefangen. Die weibliche Hauptfigur ist körperbehindert und die männliche Hauptfigur hat OCD, also Zwangsstörungen, welches zwei Perspektiven sind, von denen man nicht viel in YA Contemporary oder gar allgemein liest.Dennoch hat es so gewirkt, also würde es keine Geschichte werden, die nur darauf ansetzt Mitleid zu erwecken und Tränen zu locken und was schwer auf dem Herzen liegt. Sondern wie eine typische YA Contemporary eben, in dem es um Coming-of-Age geht und darum, wie sich die verschiedensten Menschen gegenseitig helfen und Freundschaften knüpfen können.So ging das auch eine Weile -- bevor das Ganze ziemlich schnell nach unten abgesackt ist.Als hätten die Hauptfiguren nicht genug Probleme, mit denen sie alltäglich kämpfen müssen, hat die Autorin so ziemlich jedes Drama auf Himmel und Erden mit in dieses Buch gepackt.Überfürsorgliche und beengende Mutter? Check. Missverständnisse und unerwiderte Liebe? Check. Teenager-Schwangerschaft? Check. Komplikationen während der Schwangerschaft? Check. Beziehungsdrama und Auseinanderleben? Check.Es war zu viel Drama, zu wenig Kommunikation und nicht genug was einen diese Figuren und diese Geschichte mögen lässt.Eigentlich habe ich auch nicht viel mehr zu sagen. Say what you will ist keine Geschichte, die mir in Erinnerung bleiben wird und ich würde sie auch nicht besonders weiterempfehlen.

Amy and Matthew both have their issues to deal with. Amy was born with cerebral palsy and Matthew's days are defined by his obsessive-compulsive disorder. They both tell you about their school and home lives, and their blossoming relationship from their own perspectives. These alternating chapters were definitely important to the story because what shapes their relationship and determines their actions and feelings is made up of very complex processes. You learn what it means to have OCD or cerebral palsy, the varying levels of them, how they can develop and ways of therapy.Matthew comes into Amy's life in form of a student aide. I wasn't even familiar with that concept before I read SAY WHAT YOU WILL. I learned a lot reading Amy and Matthew's story and it sure helped me to think myself in the position of students who are affected by anything like our two main characters.SAY WHAT YOU WILL kicked off with a very strong first half in which I was absolutely invested in Amy and Matthew's stories. Then something happened that threw me and the characters completely off course and after that I didn't really get into the original mood of the story again. I can't say anything about the events that led to a turn in the story and practically put a buffer on all my cheering for Amy and Matthew's love story. Not sure how other readers dealt with the last part of the book, but I'm sure not everyone sees what's happening as critical to the story as I do.Cammie McGovern's first YA novel is set in high school. It's Amy and Matthew's senior year. And SAY WHAT YOU WILL is about all the usual stuff that is high school, but it's also about the things that are different for our two characters and why. There are even chapters on Amy and Matthew's lives after high school. In general I really like when the end of high school isn't the end of the story.Amy and Matthew. Friendship and love. Their lives are made up of clear boundaries. Things people think they can't do or even things their illness keeps them from doing. And now when it comes to two of the most important emotional investments in life, the boundaries that have been ever-present in their lives before are blurring. Considering Cammie's writing technique and her easing the reader slowly, first into Amy and Matthew's friendship, and then into their possible love scenario, SAY WHAT YOU WILL is an amazing read.3/5 *** SAY WHAT YOU WILL - Messy, enabling and very beautiful in parts!This could be one of the most real and inspiring stories you are ever going to read. Amy and Matthew's love story is unpredictable in many ways, some you'll like, others may be somewhat infuriating. One thing is clear though, this story is one very challenged love story in many aspects. It will draw out your emotions and may as well steal your heart.

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